What a wonderful May bank holiday weekend! The sun came out and our tops were down for some serious action in the S2000s! Here's a couple of things we were up to - let us know if you did anything? Go to a show that we should attend next year? Let us know!
Despite the weather keeping a lot of people at home BBQing, we had a great time at Ace Café on Sunday night, prizes were given out for most clean & shiny, dirtiest car (tough to beat this winner!), best build (which went to a car built to work, competing in sprints an hillclimbs) and car of the show (which was won by a pristine 12,000 miler). We also had visits from NSX and a beautiful S660 Kei car! Plenty to see and the food was awesome as always. Date for your diary - 13th August for the next one - stay tuned for tickets.
In the West, the Bristol area crew met up for breakfast then had areat drive from Lillypool Cafe, through Cheddar Gorge and finishing off with a pint at Congresbury.
Some members of the Northern Ireland cell met for the May driving meet. With 6 cars attending. A great word of thanks to all those who made it, Clive it was great to have you join us on your 1st S2000 meet. Nice to see a GT100 being properly driven.
We were blessed with some great roads in the Antrim Hills and surrounding areas, and with fantastic weather to enjoy them. We like to have a driving meet once a month in the summer time. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one!
A few members got together for a Yorkshire meet - at the Thornton le Dale Classic Car Show, great cars there Ian Pomfret, Adrian Mudd and Ian McAuslane
A lone S2000 at the Crathes Rotary Wheels Rally, thanks to Allan Duncan.
From 6pm this Wednesday 31st May at the Royalty, Otley. https://www.facebook.com/100064508029617/posts/622852163208379/
Peak District Treasure Hunt - Simon has meticulously organised what promises to be a lot of fun! In aid of Prostate Cancer UK https://www.facebook.com/events/1200996793843779
Dorking Cars and Coffee at Denbies Wine Yard on Sunday - we're getting ever more S2000s at this, let's see if we can make it a record! https://www.facebook.com/events/5304653342944882
Don't forget for all Events check out the Events pages: https://s2kuk.com/s2kuk-meets.php