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Latest News From the UK S2000 Owners Club



We are really pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Lancaster Insurance to offer special insurance deals for S2KUK members.  For details see the insurance section in our discounts page here:

The decicated Lancaster S2KUK insurance page is here:



Insurance For your S2000. Lancaster Insurance has been working with clubs for over 40 years

2022/23 Memberships & Renewal

New year Memberships and Renewals now OPEN!
Be an Early bird and Save 25%*


It's coming up to meets, events and show season.  After a couple of tough years, there are HUGE plans this year! We will be prioritising members getting early access to our most popular events such as Silverstone Classic, Japfest, Yakushi, Performance Action Days, the ever popular Ace Cafe Summer meets... and SO MUCH MORE Not to mention all the discounts and other benefits you get being a member!

2022/23 Memberships and Renewals are now OPEN!

The club year ends on 30th April, this isn't that far away, and it really helps those who volunteer to run the club if you can renew early for the new club year which will run until April 30th.

 SAVE 25%* 

Renew NOW for EARLY BIRD PRICE - ONLY £15.50!

Offer ends 30th March  after when membership will be £20.50 


(new membership or renewal) *OK, OK, it's actually 24.39% or £5

 "BUT I only just joined? " 
 If you joined after January 1st this year... DON'T WORRY! 
 We take this into account and you get a special low renewal fee and never pay more than a full year fee! This is automatically applied. 

Issues Receiving our Emails?

We have discovered that a lot of people using Hotmail/Outlook/MSN have not been seeing our emails.  The reason is not because it is being classified as spam, but their stupid Focussed and Other email inboxes.  If you have not been receiving it, and use any of these email clients, have a look in your "Other" inbox, picture below, and the solution to this issue at the bottom.

Here it looks like there is no email (or you might have loads there!):


BUT in the OTHER tab there is S2KUK's email!:


The solution to this is to select the message in OTHER and at the top select Move , then Always Move to Focussed inbox - you then shouldn't miss it - Outlook will learn to classify these emails as "Focussed"  OR you can switch off your Focussed inbox so everything goes in one place


2018/19 Membership & Renewal OPEN - EARLY BIRDS!

It's coming up to meets, events and show season.  We will be prioritising members getting early access to our most popular events such as Megameet, Silverstone Classic, Japfests,  JAE and the ever popular Ace Cafe Summer meets...

2018/19 Memberships and Renewals are now OPEN!

The club year ends on 30th April 2018, yep, this is a while off yet but it really helps those who volunteer to run the club if you can renew early for the new club year which will run until April 30th 2019.

SAVE 20% - Renew before March 30th 2018 and get EARLY BIRD PRICES:

  • Full year membership or renewal ONLY £15.50
  • If you only joined recently (after 1st Jan 2018) renewal is at only £10.50

After 30th March 2018 membership will be £19.50 (and £15 for renewal if you joined after 1st Jan 2016)


Snow Day! What to do with the S2K?

All this snow is not ideal for the S2000, but you could be brave and do this...

  Or this... 

Or even this....

OR if you don't really fancy braving the weather, renew your S2KUK Membership (or join) now with EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!


Join or renew today to receive all your benefits which are listed here

To renew: login and click ACCOUNT+ on the right hand side in the MEMBERS AREA


2018/19 Memberships and Renewals are now OPEN!

The club year ends on 30th April 2018, yep, this is a while off yet but it really helps those of us who volunteer to run the club if you can join or renew early for the new club year which will run until April 30th 2019.

If you join or renew before March 30th 2018 you will qualify for EARLY BIRD PRICES:

  • Full year membership or renewal ONLY £15.50
  • If you only joined reecntly (after 1st Jan 2018) renewal is at only £10.50

After 30th March 2018 membership will be £19.50 (and £15 for renewal if you joined after 1st Jan 2016)

Join or renew today to receive or continue all your benefits which are listed here

To renew: login and click ACCOUNT+ on the right hand side in the MEMBERS AREA

New Members Only Facebook Group

You probably already LIKE our facebook page!   We will shortly be launching a facebook GROUP for MEMBERS ONLY, in addition to the open page.  This will help with the way we communicate with everyone and help members keep in touch, discuss events, get technical help etc.  We will be emailing the link to the group to all paid up members very soon.... so:

  • Please make sure your membership is up to date!
  • Please ensure your email address in your profile is up to date! 
  • You can do both at this link:

Remember we are all over social media - click the relevant logos on our website to see them (they are all @s2kuk /s2kuk +s2kuk etc.!!)

1 Week Left!

If you haven't already renewed, your membership will lapse in 1 week. Renew now!   

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Save up to 25% with dedicated S2KUK Club insurance!


Club Motul offer club members 15% off all their products!


If you'd like to help represent your area of the country, organise events, create photo/video content, write news articles or anything else please get in touch! We NEED you!


Discount now available on Ex-pressed Panels S2000 Rear Quarters, developed in conjunction with S2KUK!

Members Gallery

Latest photo from the S2KUK member's gallery
Latest picture from:
Samuel Downes
View all member car galleries

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel We now have a YouTube Channel - send us your videos! YouTube CHANNEL +