COVID-19 - Effect on S2KUK
The Club Committee have been carefully following developments along with Government and WHO advice, to understand the impact it may have on the Club and our activities. We take the safety of our members and their health very seriously.
You may already have seen and heard about a number of car related events being cancelled, and we are working with various organisers of events to deal with those which we were going to attend as a club.
The Committee have discussed our position with regard to club organised and attended meets and events and have come to the unfortunate decision, in the interests of health and in line with government advice, we are going to cancel all meets and events through to the end of April. This includes monthly pub meetings, shows and driving events. We have also taken the decision to postpone Megameet 19 at the beginning of May - all attendees have been informed of their options.
We are keeping close to the situation and all event organisations we work with and will maintain a 'watching brief' beyond this date.
You will see these events being cancelled through our usual channels; google calendar, facebook and S2KI forums. For those you have purchased tickets for via the various event organisations, please contact them directly regarding their refund polcies.
So if you are feeling at a loss of what to do, need a break from self-isolation, working from home, or a rest from one of the many services working hard during the situation, head over to our members only facebook group where we hope to keep lots of dialogue going and some fun and interesting things to do!
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Ian, Sue, Colin, Sophie & Steve
Your S2KUK Club Committee
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